Elected officials

Decouple Law Enforcement Agency Budgets from Fines

Law enforcement agency budgets should never be tied to revenue generated through law enforcement activity. When a law enforcement agency derives a substantial portion of its operating budget from fines associated with traffic stops and other minor violations, it can encourage policing practices focused on generating revenue rather than enhancing public safety and forming positive…


​Do Not Use Law Enforcement to Collect Fines and Fees

Law enforcement officers should not be assigned to collect fines and fees imposed by statutes and implemented by the criminal justice system. The current practice has a disparate impact on the economically disadvantaged and racial and ethnic minorities, threatens police-community relationships, and undermines more public safety goals.


Assess Organizational Culture and Include Community Perspectives

Law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and policymakers must take steps to assess organizational culture and incorporate community perspectives into redefining what the organizational culture should be for their community. Organizational culture should be assessed through a variety of administrative records and officer surveys.